Last updated on July 7th, 2023 at 11:34 pm
Feeling a bit disengaged and unmotivated at your job?
It’s not unusual to feel this way sometimes. It may be a sign of a deeper level of dissatisfaction with your job, but most likely, it’s just temporary.
As the job board giants at Indeed point out, when you feel disengaged at your job, you need to look for the root cause:
Many professionals occasionally struggle with productivity. When professionals feel motivated and engaged in their work, they can often feel more productive. If you’re struggling to stay focused and motivated at work, it’s helpful to discover the cause, as this can help you plan how you can address the issue.
When employees go through candid self-evaluations, they often conclude that their current job isn’t so bad after all.
This post will examine four perspective shifts to help employees re-establish an attitude of gratitude for their current job.
Examine the importance of feeling intellectually and professionally challenged.
You may feel disengaged and unchallenged at work because you’ve slipped into some bad work habits. Are you stepping up to more challenging opportunities within your team? Maybe a recent shift to a remote or hybrid schedulehas negatively impacted your work.
Examine the overall nature of your job, your opportunities for advancement, and any possible changes of scenery inside the company to make your job more challenging. Approach your boss and explore the possibilities. You’ll be glad you did.
Pursue advancement and promotion opportunities.
Have you had opportunities to advance or move on to a new challenge within your company that you haven’t pursued? If so, you’re not alone. But now it’s time to reexamine those opportunities and embrace new ones before considering leaving your job.
Participate in work-related social activities and promote camaraderie.
We quote Indeed in a previous post, “How you behave in the workplace can have a profound impact on your productivity, organization, success and relationship with others.” Fostering healthy relationships with your colleagues and team leads will pay huge dividends in your levels of motivation, productivity, gratitude, and workplace engagement.
Take advantage of work/lifestyle options.
These benefits include PTO, remote and hybrid work opportunities, and flexible schedules. Some downtime away from the job, work-related stress, and the office are often all it takes to recharge and remotivate.
If you try these perspective shifts and you’re still feeling significantly disconnected from your current job, it may be time for a change.
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